There is something pretty special about documenting a mother and her babies. I did a session with this entire family in the fall, which I loved. But it’s always nice to see mom as the star of the show, especially since they so rarely get into photos themselves.
This is the reason I love mommy and me sessions so much. It’s a great way for mom to get fancied up a little and spend some quality time with the kids. And just as important – to have that moment documented. Especially if dad isn’t too keen on constantly having to deal with the whole “photoshoot” thing. It’s a great idea for a Mother’s Day or birthday gift for that special mom in your life.
Below is a mini mommy and me session taken at sunset on Broadkill Beach in Delaware while we were down visiting over the summer.

And look at this Mama and her boys! It’s not fair to have this much beauty in one gene pool. And what other moms look like a Greek Goddess while just casually strolling around the beach? Not me! But I’m super-happy to photograph people who do.

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